올리버 스톤 감독 동참 “역사반성이 먼저”


뉴스로=노창현특파원 newsroh@gmail.com


한일정부 위안부 졸속합의 1년을 맞은 가운데 세계 각국의 동아시아전문 학자들이 하와이 진주만을 공식 방문하는 일본 아베 신조 수상의 행보를 비판하는 공동서한을 25일 발송했다. 이번 서한엔 세계적인 영화감독 올리버 스톤도 이름을 올려 관심을 끈다.


아베 수상은 하와이 진주만 공습으로 희생된 이들을 추모한다는 명분으로 27일 오바마 대통령을 동반한 가운데 진주만을 찾았다. 그러나 미국 캐나다 영국 일본 등 총 53명의 학자와 전문가들은 공동 서한에서 아시아 태평양 전쟁으로 수천만명의 민간인을 죽음으로 몰아넣은 일본의 수상이 역사적 반성없이 진주만을 방문하는 것에 강한 의구심(疑懼心)을 제기했다.


이들은 아베를 비롯한 고위 정치인들이 그동안 위안부 범죄를 비롯해 2차대전 중 자행한 일본의 전쟁범죄에 대한 책임을 지속적으로 부인해왔다는 점을 먼저 지적했다.


또한 2016년초 유엔 여성차별철폐협약(UN CEDAW)은 일본정부가 성노예로 여성들을 강제로 끌고간 증거가 없다고 말하는 등 위안부 범죄에 대한 책임을 희석(稀釋)하고 있다고 비판했다.


공개서한은 먼저 일본이 진주만 공습 한시간전 말레이반도의 북동부해변을 공격한 것을 상기시키고 전쟁 침략과 식민 통치를 부인한 과거 활동과 발언에 대한 현재의 입장을 물었다.


이어 아베가 2400명 미군이 희생된 진주만 공습을 추모하기 위해 진주만에 간다면 마찬가지로 수많은 희생자들을 위해 중국과 한국 등 다른 아시아태평양 국가들에 갈 용의가 있는지 물었다.


또한 자위대가 세계 많은 지역의 전쟁에 참전하는 것을 합법화하는 헌법 수정의 노력을 기울이는 것이 태평양전쟁의 기억을 갖고 있는 다른 나라들에 고통을 주고 있다는 것을 인식하는지 총 3개항에 답할 것을 요구했다.






* 글로벌웹진 뉴스로 www.newsroh.com




An Open Letter to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe On the Occasion of Your Visit to Pearl Harbor


December 25, 2016


Dear Mr. Abe, You recently announced plans to visit Pearl Harbor in Hawai'i at the end of December 2016 to "mourn the victims" of the Japanese Navy's attack on the US naval base on December 8, 1941 (Tokyo Time).

In fact, Pearl Harbor was not the only place Japan attacked the northeastern shore of the Malay Peninsula one hour earlier and next goal to to attack several other British and US colonies and bases in the Asia-Pacific region Japan that launched these attacks in order to secure the oil and other resources of Southeast Asia essential to extend its war of aggression against China.

Since this is be your first official visit to the place where Japan's war against the United States began, we would like to raise the following questions concerning your previous statements about the war.


1) You Were Deputy Executive Director Of The "Diet Members' League For The 50Th Anniversary Of The End Of War," Which Was Established At The End Of 1994 In Order To Counter Parliamentary Efforts To Pass A Resolution To Critically Reflect Upon Japan'S Aggressive War Its Founding Statement asserts that Japan's more than two million war-dead gave their lives for "Japan's self-existence and self-defense, and peace of Asia." The League's Campaign Policy statement of April 13, 1995 rejected offering any apology or issuing The League's public statement of June 8, 1995 declared that the majority parties' resolution draft was unacceptable because it admitted Japan's "behaviors of aggression" and "Colonial rule." Mr. Abe, do you still hold such views about the war?


2) In The Diet Questioning Period Of April 23, 2013, You As Prime Minister Stated That "The Definition Of What Constitutes 'Aggression' Has Yet To Be Established In Academia Or In The International Community." Does That Mean That You Do Not Recognize Japan's war against the Allied and Asia-Pacific nations and the preceding war against China as wars of aggression?


3) You State That You Are Going To Visit Pearl Harbor To "Mourn" The 2,400 Americans Who Perished In The Attack. If That Is The Case, Will You Also Be Visiting China, Korea, Other Asia-Pacific Nations, Or The Other Allied Nations for the purpose of "mourning" war victims in those people who number in the tens of millions?


As Prime Minister, you have pressed for Constitutional revision including Self-Defense Forces to fight anywhere in the world. We ask that you reflect on the signal this sentence to nations that suffered at Japan's hands in the Asia-Pacific War.


1. Ikuro Anzai, Professor Emeritus, Ritsumeikan University Ikuro Anzai, Ritsumeikan University Professor Emeritus

2. Herbert P. Bix, Emeritus Professor Of History And Sociology, Binghamton University, SUNY  Herbert · P · Bix, State University of New York-Binghamton history, sociology professor emeritus

3. Peter Van Den Dungen, Formerly, Lecturer In Peace Studies, University Of Bradford, UK, And General Coordinator Of The International Network Of Museums For Peace Peter van den Deyungen, former University of Bradford (UK) Peace Studies Faculty, World Peace Museum Network Summary Coordinator

4. Alexis Dudden, Professor Of History, University Of Connecticut Alexis Dadin, University of Connecticut history professor

5. Richard Falk, Albert G. Professor Of International Law And Practice, Emeritus, Princeton University , Richard Falk, Princeton University international law professor emeritus

6. John Feffer, Director, Foreign Policy In Focus, John Feffa, "Foreign Policy in Focus" director

7. Norma Field, Professor Emerita, University Of Chicago Norma Field, the University of Chicago Professor Emeritus

8. Kay Fischer, Instructor, Ethnic Studies, Chabot College Kay Fisher, Chabot College (California) lecturer

9. Atsushi Fujioka, Emeritus Professor, Ritsumeikan University Atsushi Fujioka, Ritsumeikan University Professor Emeritus

10. Joseph Gerson (PhD), Vice-President, International Peace Bureau  Joseph Gerson, International Peace Bureau, Vice Chairman

11. Geoffrey C. Gunn, Emeritus, Nagasaki University  Jeffrey · C · gun, Nagasaki University Professor Emeritus

12. Kyung Hee Ha, Assistant Professor, Meiji University KawaKanoeNozomi, Meiji University Lecturer

13. Laura Hein, Professor, Northwestern University Laura Hein, Northwestern University professor (Chicago, USA)

14. Hirofumi Hayashi, Professor, Kanto Gakuin University Hirofumi Hayashi, Kanto Gakuin University professor

15. Katsuya Hirano, Associate Professor Of History, UCLA plain Katsuya, the University of California, Los Angeles School Associate Professor

16. IKEDA Eriko, Chair Of The Board, Women'S Active Museum On War And Peace ( Wam) Eriko Ikedaactive museum "Women of War and Peace Museum" ( Wam ) director 

17. Masaie Ishihara, Professor Emeritus Okinawa International University  Ishihara clearly, Okinawa International University Professor Emeritus

18. Paul Jobin, Associate Research Fellow, Academia Sinica, Institute Of SociologyPaul Jobin National Taiwan Academia Sinica Institute of Sociology Associate Research Fellow

19. John Junkerman, Documentary Filmmaker John Junkerman, documentary film director

20. Nan Kim, Associate Professor, University Of Wisconsin-Milwaukee  Nan Kim (KimuHisashiRan), University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Kojun Professor

21. KIM Puja, Professor Of Gender History, Tokyo University Of Foreign Studies Tomiko Kimu, gender history, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Professor

22. Akira Kimura, Professor, Kagoshima University Akira Kimura, Kagoshima University Professor

23. Tomomi Kinukawa, Instructor, San Francisco State University silk. Tomomi, San Francisco State University lecturer


24. Peter Kuznick, Professor Of History, American University Peter Kazunikku, American University Professor of History

25. Kwon, Heok-Tae, Professor, Sungkonghoe University, Korea Ken赫泰(Kwon Hyokute), South Korea and the Anglican University Professor

26. Lee Kyeong-Ju, Professor, Inha University (Korea) RiMiyakohashira, Inha University professor

27. Miho Kim Lee, Co-Founder Of Eclipse Rising Miho Kim Lee, "Eclipse Rising" co-founder

28. Lim Jie-Hyun, Professor Of Transnational History, Director Of Critical Global Studies Institute, Sogang University Hayashikokorozashitsuru (Lim Ji-hyun), Sogang University (South Korea)

29. Akira Maeda, Professor, Tokyo University Zokei Akira Maeda, Tokyo Zokei Professor

30. Janice Matsumura, Associate Professor Of History, Simon Fraser University, Canada  Janice Matsumura, Simon Fraser University (Canada) History Associate Professor

31. Tanya Maus, PhD, Director, Wilmington College Peace Resource Center, Wilmington, Ohio Tania mouse, Wilmington University (Ohio) Peace Resource Center Director

32. David McNeill, Adjunct Professor, Sophia University  David McNeil, Sophia University part-time lecturer

33. Gavan McCormack, Emeritus Professor, Australian National University Gavan McCormack, Australian National University Professor Emeritus

34. Katherine Muzik, Ph.D., Marine Biologist, Kauai Island Catherine music, marine biologist (Hawaii, Kauai)

35. Koichi Nakano, Professor, Sophia University Koichi Nakano, Sophia University professor

36. NAKANO Toshio, Professor Emeritus, Tokyo University Of Foreign Studies Toshio Nakano, social theory and social thought, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Professor Emeritus

37. Narusawa Muneo, Editor, Weekly Kinyobi , Muneo Narisawa, "Weekly Friday" editorial department

38. Satoko Oka Norimatsu, Editor, Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus Norimatsu Satoko, "Asia Pacific Ocean Journal: Japan Focus" editor

39. John Price, Professor Of History, University Of Victoria, Canada  John Price, University of Victoria (Canada) Professor of History

40. Steve Rabson, Professor Emeritus, Brown University (USA) Veteran, United States Army Steve Rabson, Brown University (USA) Professor Emeritus of the United States Army veterans

41. Sonia Ryang, Director, Chao Center For Asian Studies, Rice University  Sonia Liang, Rice University (Texas) Chao-Asia Research Center Director

42. Daiyo Sawada, Emeritus Professor, University Of Alberta substitute, Sawada, University of Alberta Professor Emeritus

43. Mark Selden, Senior Research Associate, East Asia Program, Cornell University  Mark Cerdan, Cornell University, East Asian Studies program Senior Research Fellow

44. Oliver Stone, Academy Award-Winning Filmmaker Oliver Stone, Academy Award-winning film director

45. Tetsuya Takahashi, Professor, University Of Tokyo  Tetsuya Takahashi, Professor, University of Tokyo

46. Nobuyoshi Takashima, Professor Emeritus, The University Of Ryukyus Takashima Shin欣, University of the Ryukyus professor emeritus

47. Akiko Takenaka, Associate Professor Of Japanese History, University Of Kentucky Akiko Takenaka, University of Kentucky Associate Professor

48. Wesley Ueunten, Associate Professor, Asian American Studies Department, San Francisco State University  Wesley Ueunten, San Francisco State University, Asian and American Studies Faculty Associate Professor

49. Aiko Utsumi, Professor Emeritus, University Keisen Aiko Utsumi, keisen university Professor Emeritus

50. Shue Tuck Wong, Professor Emeritus, Simon Fraser University Shwe Tak Wong, Simon Fraser University (Canada), Professor Emeritus

51. Yi Wu, Assistant Professor, Department Of Sociology And Anthropology, Clemson University E. Wu, Clemson University Sociology and Anthropology Department of Associate Professor

52. Tomomi Yamaguchi, Associate Professor Of Anthropology, Montana State University  Tomomi Yamaguchi, Montana State University anthropology Associate Professor

53. Lisa Yoneyama, Professor, University Of Toronto Lisa Yoneyama, University of Toronto professor



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  2. 진주만폭격-1.jpg (File Size:108.5KB/Download:69)
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