극단 모터스 라마마극장 초연



Newsroh=민지영기자 newsrohny@gmail.com






한국과 미국, 유럽의 아티스트들이 협업하는 퍼포먼스 공연 ‘파노라마’가 눈길을 끌고 있다.


맨해튼 이스트빌리지 라마마극장 더다운스테어스(The Downstairs)에서 공연중인 이 작품은 이탈리아 실험극단 '모터스(Motus)'와 서울예대, 라마마극장의 그레이트 존스 레퍼토리 극단이 힘을 합쳤다.


서울예대는 크리에이티브 디자인 분야의 영상디자인(김보슬 교수), 무대디자인(정승호 교수)과 기술 분야인 미디어시스템 구축 및 프로그래밍 담당(채상민 학생)을 맡았다.


‘파노라마’는 다양한 문화권 속의 개인의 정체성(正體性)에 대한 이야기를 다룬 작품으로 페미니스트 작가 로시 브라이도티(Rosi Braidotti)는 ‘유목민 아이덴터티’에 초점을 맞춘 ‘포스트 내셔널리스틱 아이덴터티’를 제기(提起)하고 있다.


주요 출연진은 모라 잉구엔 도너휴를 비롯, 존 구티에레즈 발로이스 미컨스 유진 더 푸지니 페리 융 지샨 우굴루 등의 그레이트 존스 레퍼토리 극단의 멤버들로 이뤄졌다.


극단 모터스는 이탈리아 등 유럽을 기반으로 활동하며 세계적인 페스티벌에서 작품을 선보인 실험극단이다. 연출과 기획을 맡은 엔리코 카사그란데와 다니엘라 니콜로가 1991년에 설립했다.


라마마극장은 1961년 엘렌 스튜어트가 창립, 반세기가 넘는 동안 70개국 1만5천여 아티스트들이 5천개 작품을 공연하며 세계 문화예술 예술가들의 실험적인 예술 공간으로 자리매김 했다.


파노라마 공연시간은 11~13일, 18~20일 오후 7시(14일과 21일은 오후 2시), 입장료는 25달러(학생 및 노인은 20달러), 문의 212-352-3101, 웹사이트 www.lamama.org


La MaMa 극장 : Ellen Stewart Theatre, 66 East 4th Street)



글로벌웹진 NEWSROH www.newsroh.com





“The Motus Theatre Company of Italy is the most truly revolutionary troupe in town.”

– Ben Brantley, NY Times


PANORAMA — the latest work by the internationally renowned Motus Theater Company from Italy —makes its world-premiere in January 2018 at La MaMa (Ellen Stewart Theatre, 66 East 4th Street) in collaboration with La MaMa’s legendary Great Jones Repertory Company. Previews begin January 3rd prior to press opening on January 5th as part of The Public’s Under The Radar Festival.


MOTUS – whose other works at La MaMa include NELLA TEMPESTA, ALEXIS: A GREEK TRAGEDY (as part of the Under the Radar Festival) and MDLSX – does not separate art and civic engagement in its stage presentations. Founded in 1991, MOTUS works transcend borders, historical moments, and disciplines. MOTUS is a troupe of free-thinkers who perform internationally, and confront contemporary themes and conflicts.


PANORAMA is a further landmark in the company’s artistic exploration that began with MDLSX, which claimed the freedom to transition from one gender to another, declaring the right to non-belonging. PANORAMA, inspired by the feminist writer Rosi Braidotti, proposes a post-nationalistic identity focusing on the concept of fluid and nomad identity. To that end, PANORAMA divines its storytelling from the specific perspective of the actors of the Great Jones Repertory Company, an ethnically diverse group of performers based at La MaMa, all of whom have lived diasporic experiences, informed, in part, by their artistic choices. This kaleidoscopic performance that investigates the human right to be in movement, the piece delves into the heart of identity that goes beyond nationality, sexuality, and race.


PANORAMA is performed by Great Jones Repertory company members Maura Nguyen Donohue, John Gutierrez, Valois Mickens, Eugene the Poogene, Perry Yung and Zishan Ugurlu.


Daniela Nicolo and Enrico Casagrande of Motus explained, “It would be almost trite to highlight the relevance of this project within the context of the nefarious victory of President Trump and his first legislative acts. PANORAMA rubs salt into one of the deepest – and never healed – wounds of the ‘land of the free,’ namely its relationship with borders and those who cross them.”


With the support of playwright Erik Ehn and a design team from Culturehub and the Seoul Institute of Arts — PANORAMA places different cultures in conversation to create a multi-media, live-streamed performance that combines movement, text, music, and media to reveal a story of the human soul which cannot be contained within traditional borders.


PANORAMA will perform as part of Under The Radar Festival, NYC with previews on Dec 29 and 30 at 7:00pm. The run of the show is January 3-21, as follows: Jan 3-7, Jan 11-13, and Jan 18-20 at 7:00 pm; Jan 7,14, and 21 at 2:00 pm. Tickets are $25 ($20 students/seniors) plus $1 facility fee per ticket. La MaMa makes the first 10 tickets for every performance available for $10 (advance sale only) as part of its 10@$10 ticketing program.


For tickets and information visit www.lamama.org or call 212-352-3101.


About La MaMa


La MaMa is dedicated to the artist and all aspects of the theatre. The organization has a worldwide reputation for producing daring performance works that defy form and transcend barriers of ethnic and cultural identity. Founded in 1961 by award-winning theatre pioneer Ellen Stewart, La MaMa has presented more than 5,000 productions by 150,000 artists from more than 70 nations. A recipient of more than 30 Obie Awards and dozens of Drama Desk, Bessie, and Villager Awards, La MaMa has helped launch the careers of countless artists, many of whom have made important contributions to American and international arts milieus.


La MaMa’s 56th season highlights artists of different generations, gender identities, and cultural backgrounds, who question social mores and confront stereotypes, corruption, bigotry, racism, and xenophobia in their work. Our stages embrace diversity in every form and present artists that persevere with bold self-expression despite social, economic, and political struggle and the 56th season reflects the urgency of reaffirming human interconnectedness.









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