에비게일 아라더 '김고은' 역 맡아

총 3천명중 24명 발탁..일본계, 백인배우도 눈길



Newsroh=민지영기자 newsrohny@gmail.com



3년만에 돌아온 오프브로드웨이 뮤지컬 ‘컴포트우먼'의 캐스팅이 완료됐다. 지난 2015년, 뉴욕 오프 브로드웨이에서 한국 창작 뮤지컬 사상 최초로 공연돼 큰 화제를 모은 ‘컴포트 우먼’(Comfort Women: A New Musical)이 올 여름 공연을 위한 만반(萬般)의 진용을 갖추었다.


컴포트우먼은 뉴욕의 유명 오프브로드웨이 극장 ‘피터 제이 샤프 시어터’ (Peter Jay Sharp Theater)에서 7월 20일 프리뷰를 시작으로 7월 27일 공식 개막돼 9월2일까지 총 60회 공연된다. 공연은 I.A.Lab과 화랑 엔터테인먼트가 주최하고, 디모킴 뮤지컬공장(Dimo Kim Musical Theatre Factory)이 제작을 맡았다.


이번 공연엔 총 3,000명의 배우가 지원해 치열한 오디션 과정을 거쳐 24명의 배우들이 캐스팅 되었다. 한국계와 일본계 등 22명의 아시안 배우들과 2명의 백인 배우들로 구성됐다.



에비게일 아라더 김고은역.jpg



주연 ‘김고은’ 역으로는 한국계 혼혈 배우 에비게일 아라더(Abigail Arader)가 발탁됐다. 올해 The University of Southern California 의 입학을 앞두고 있는 아비게일은 출연료 전액을 위안부 할머니들에게 기부(寄附)하겠다고 밝히기도 했다.


주연 ‘이민식'은 싱가폴 출신 마테우스 팅(Matheus Ting)이 발탁됐고 ‘코미노’ 역엔 일본계 혼혈인 샘 하마시마 (Sam Hamashima) 이 무대에 오르게 돼 눈길을 끈다.



마테우스 팅 이민식역.jpg

마테우스 팅


샘 하마시마 코미노 역.jpg

샘 하마시마



뮤지컬 ‘컴포트 우먼’은 1941년 일제강점기를 배경으로, 도쿄의 공장에 일자리가 있다는 말에 속은 조선인 소녀 ‘고은’이 돈을 벌러 길을 떠났다가, 인도네시아의 일본군 ‘위안부’로 끌려가 같은 처지의 소녀들을 만나는 내용을 그리고 있다.


지난 2015년 맨하탄 세인트 클레멘츠 극장에서 개막돼 ‘위안부’ 문제의 진실과 심각성을 일깨워준 공연으로 화제를 모았다.


‘인터뷰’ ‘그린카드' ‘컴포트우먼'을 연출했던 김현준 연출이 총감독하며 뮤지컬 ‘아리랑’, ‘꽃신’, ‘로스트 가든을 안무했던 폴란드의 아트 컬러 발레(Art Color Ballet)의 해외상임안무자이자 ‘Art Group Obang’의 예술감독 김현 안무가가 맡았다. 강택구 음악감독, 오현주 무대디자이너, 이병철 조명디자이너, 정지영 협력 조명 디자이너, 박태종 사운드 디자이너가 참여한다. I.A. Lab과 화랑 엔터테이먼트가 제작하고 한국정신대문제대책협의회와 문아트컴퍼니가 제작지원을 한다.


장소 Peter Jay Sharp Theater, 416 W 42nd St, 4th floor, New York 문의 info@dimokimfactory.org 티켓팅: www.dimokimfactory.org



글로벌웹진 NEWSROH www.newsroh.com





주/조연 배우들


ABIGAIL ARADER (Goeun Kim) was born and raised in New York City. She has been singing and acting her whole life performing at prestigious venues such as Carnegie Hall, The Bitter End, and The Red Clay Theatre. She is also singer-songwriter who has opened for Caroline Aiken and written songs for commercials. Some educational credits include, Chicago (Dwight School), As You Like It (Calhoun School). She also recently competed and won third place in The National Shakespeare Competition. In September, she will pursue a degree in theatre at The University of Southern California. Abigail is extremely grateful and excited to be making her Off-Broadway debut as Goeun in “Comfort Women”. Her mother, Bo-in, who hails from Korea, educated her about the story of comfort women and the impact of Japanese occupation on Korean history – Abigail would like to commend and thank her efforts along with her friends, family, teachers, and the whole Dimo Kim Musical Theatre Factory Team.


애비게일 아라더 (김고은 역)

- Carnegie Hall (카네기 홀), The Bitter End, The Red Clay Theatre 등 저명한 공연장에서 공연 경험 다수

- 내셔널 셰익스피어 대회에서 3위 수상

- 서던캘리포니아대학교 (University of Southern California) 입학 예정

- ‘컴포트 우먼 (Comfort Women)' 이 오프브로드웨이 데뷔작


MATHEUS TING (Minsik Lee) is a graduate from LaSalle College of the Arts in Singapore, which is where he is from. Having moved to NYC a few months ago, he has been seen on stage as Ming in A Language of Their Own, the Butler in Yosef the Musical and Elliot in Bright and Brave. He currently stars as Pengyu in the dark-comedy web series Big Law on YouTube. Favorite credits: Robertson Ay in Mary Poppins, Prez in The Pajama Game, and Harry Witherspoon in Lucky Stiff. Matheus is very proud and humbled to be given the opportunity to share this story with his immensely talented cast. #asianslaysian


마테우스 팅 (이민석 역)

- 싱가폴 출신

- 라셀대학교 (LaSalle College of the Arts) 졸업

- 뉴욕 공연 ‘어 랭귀지 오브 데어 온 (A Language of Their Own)’, ‘요셉 더 뮤지컬 (Yosef the Musical)’, ‘브라잇 엔드 브레이브 (Bright and Brave)’에 출연

- 유투브 웹시리즈 드라마 ‘빅 로 (Big Law)’에 Pengyu로 출연

- 그외 ‘메리 포핀스’, ‘파자마게임', ‘럭키 스터프’ 등 다수 공연에 출연


LEANA RAE CONCEPCION (Namsoon Lee) is delighted to be making her Off-Broadway debut in Comfort Women! She is going to be a rising Musical Theatre senior at the Pace School of Performing Arts. #PUMT! Some of her favorite credits include: Mattie in We Are the Tigers, Connie in A Chorus Line with Baayork Lee, Fredrika Armfeldt in A Little Night Music and Edwina in Dear Edwina. She would like to thank her parents, Amy, JV, Randi, the faculty at Pace, DG, Chloë and all of her friends for supporting her endlessly through this journey. @leanarae


리아나 레이 컨셉시언 (이남순 역)

- 페이스 대학교 (Pace School of Performing Arts) 뮤지컬학과 4학년 재학중

- ‘위아 더 타이거즈 (We Are the Tigers)’, ‘코러스라인 (Chorus Line)’, ‘어 리틀 나잇뮤직 (A Little Night Music), ‘디어 에드위나 (Dear Edwina)’ 에 출연

- ‘컴포트 우먼 (Comfort Women)' 이 오프브로드웨이 데뷔작



RONI SHELLEY PEREZ (Soonja Ma, U/S: Goeun Kim) is thrilled to make her Off-Broadway debut in COMFORT WOMEN: A NEW MUSICAL! Recently completed a B.A. in music at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. Favorite credits include: Heathers: the Musical(Veronica Sawyer), In the Heights (Nina Rosario), Jesus Christ Superstar (Mary Magdalene). Thanks to family, friends, & lil pupper, Cinnamon, for their constant love and support! MABUHAY - @ronishelley"


로니 쉘리 프레즈 (마순자/ 김고은 언더스터디 역)

- 네브라스카 대학교 (University of Nebraska) 에서 음악 전공으로 졸업

- ‘헤더스 (Heathers: the Musical)’, ‘인더 하이츠 (In the Heights)’, ‘지져스 크라이스트 수퍼스타 (Jesus Christ Superstar)’ 출연

- ‘컴포트 우먼 (Comfort Women)' 이 오프브로드웨이 데뷔작



KENNY MAI (Matsui Kazuo) is excited to be a part of Comfort Women, having been a part of its first inception in 2015. New York credits include Shatter, Venus/Adonis Theater Festival; Kingdom of the Clouds, NYU. Regional: The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, The Pirates of Penzance, Guys and Dolls, and Urinetown. Film:Children of the Dust. He is a trained Historical European Martial Artist, specializing in the German longsword. A special thank you to his friend and mentor David Huynh, and his loving fiancée, Sarah. @kennymaiohmai


케니 마이 (카즈오 마츠이)

- 뉴욕 공연 ‘쉐터 (Shatter)’, ‘킹덤 오브 더 클라우드 (Kingdom of the Clouds)’ 출연

- ‘25주년 퍼트넘 주 스펠링 비 (The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee)’, ‘펜잔스의 해적들 (Pirates of Penzance)’, ‘아가씨와 건달들 (Guys and Dolls), ‘유린타운 (Urinetown)’ 출연

- ‘컴포트 우먼 (Comfort Women)’ 초연 멤버


BEN WANG (Songwon Kim) is excited to be making his off-Broadway debut with this production. He has just completed his sophomore year in NYU Tisch's New Studio on Broadway musical theater training program in pursuit of a BFA. Recent credits include Fun Home (John) and Cry-Baby (Judge Stone) with NYU Tisch, as well as Your Brand New Incurable Disease (Ensemble) and 2018 - A Musical Revue (Ethan Tam) in collaboration with NYU Tisch's Graduate Musical Theater Writing Program. Endless gratitude to the cast, crew, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, great aunts, great uncles, and friends.


벤 왕 (김성원 역)

- 뉴욕대 티쉬 예술학교 (NYU Tisch) 뮤지컬전공 3학년으로 재학중

- 뉴욕대 ‘펀 홈 (Fun Home)’, ‘크라이 베이비 (Cry-Baby)’ 공연 출연

- 뉴욕대학원 ‘Your Brand New Incurable Disease’, ‘A musical Revue’ 공연 출연


SARA ELIZABETH STATES (Youngsun Choi) "Comfort Women: A New Musical" marks Sara's Off-Broadway debut. Sara is thrilled to return to the stage after a short break to pursue a degree at Baruch College. She would like to thank God for this opportunity, her ever-supportive parents, the love of her life Scott, and her brother Michael who has been her guardian angel since 2015.

Other credits include: The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, Peter Pan, The Secret Garden, The Secret Life of Girls, and Cinderella.


세라 엘리자베스 스테이츠 (최영순 역)

- 버룩 대학교 (Baruch College) 졸업

- ‘25주년 퍼트넘 주 스펠링 비 (The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee)’, ‘피터팬 (Peter Pan), ‘더 시크릿 가든 (The Secret Garden), ‘신데렐라 (Cinderella) 출연

- ‘컴포트 우먼 (Comfort Women)' 이 오프브로드웨이 데뷔작


EMILY SU (Jinju Park, u/s Malsoon) is thrilled to be making her Off-Broadway debut! Credits include Spring Awakening (Wendla),Company (Marta), Love’s Labour’s Lost (Moth), Brighton Beach Memoirs (Nora). Johns Hopkins University, c/o 2018. Endless gratitude to Mom, Dad, Madeline, Alivia, Sebastian, and friends.emily-su.com, Instagram: @_em_su


에밀리 수 (박진주, 말순 언더스터디 역)

- 존스 홉킨스 대학 (Johns Hopkins University) 졸업

- ‘스프링 어웨이크닝 (Spring Awakening )’, ‘컴퍼니 (Company)’, ‘러브즈 레이버즈 로스트 (Love’s Labour’s Lost )’, ‘브라이턴 비치 메모리얼 (Brighton Beach Memoirs)’ 출연

- ‘컴포트 우먼 (Comfort Women)' 이 오프브로드웨이 데뷔작


CHLOE RICE (Ellen Jansen) is thrilled to be making her off-broadway debut in Comfort Women: A New Musical. Originally from Bel Air, Maryland, Chloe now studies theatre at Fordham University College at Lincoln Center. Recently she has appeared in Alpha Theatre’s off-off broadway productions of The Wizard of Oz (Dorothy) and 12 Angry Jurors (Juror #2). Chloe has also appeared in short films such as Chemistry 101 (Amber) as well as Survive (Director/ actor). Endless love and thanks to Mom and Dad, Natasha, and all friends, family, and teachers for their continual support.


클로이 라이스 (엘렌 젠슨 역)

- 포드햄 대학 (Fordham University College at Lincoln Center) 재학중

- 뉴욕 오프오프 브로드웨이 ‘더 위저드 오브 오즈 (The Wizard of Oz)’, ‘12인의 배심원들 (12 Angry Jurors)’ 출연

- 단편영화 ‘케미스트리 101 (Chemistry 101)’ 출연

- ‘컴포트 우먼 (Comfort Women)' 이 오프브로드웨이 데뷔작


SHUYAN YANG(Malsoon Lee) is happy to performing her Off-Broadway debut! This is her first show in New York after graduation. Proud AMDA graduate. Originally from Shanghai, China, just came to New York two years ago to chase her Broadway dream! Love and thanks to her family supporting her dream.


슈얀 양 (이말순 역)

- 암다 아카데미 (AMDA) 졸업

- ‘컴포트 우먼 (Comfort Women)' 이 오프브로드웨이 데뷔작


SAM HAMASHIMA (Mr. Komino, U/S Matsui Kazuo) is thrilled to be part of the revival of Comfort Women. Recent credits include Studio Theatre's Vietgone (Nhan u/s), Music Theatre Wichita's Thoroughly Modern Millie (Ching Ho), and University of Michigan's Edith Can Shoot Things... (Kenny). Apart from performing, Hamashima is an accomplished writer; his show American Spies and Other Homegrown Fables was recently worked at the Kennedy Center's Undergraduate Playwrights' Workshop and he slams regularly in Ann Arbor, Washington, D.C., Hamashima is the founder of Asian College Theatre Ensemble, a digital community for AAPIA in theatre programs across the world. Happily represented by the Price Talent Group. @samhamashima. samhamashima.com. University of Michigan, BFA Musical Theatre.


샘 하마쉬마 (코미코/ 카즈오 마츠이 언더스터디 역)

- 미시간 대학교 (University of Michigan) 뮤지컬 전공 졸업

- ‘스튜디오 띠에터 비에트공 (Studio Theatre's Vietgone)’, ‘아주 모던한 밀리 (Thoroughly Modern Millie)’, ‘에딧 캔 슈트 띵스 (Edith Can Shoot Things…)’ 출연

- 아시안 컬리지 띠에터 (Asian College Theatre Ensemble) 설립자


MATHEW BAUTISTA (Nani) is so excited to be joining the team, he is a recent Graduate of the American Musical and Dramatic Academy and a current student at The New School. Recent credits include How the Grinch Stole Christmas National Tour, Dog Sees God(Producers Club), and Jesus Christ Superstar (The Secret Theatre).


매튜 바우티스타 (나니 역)

- 암다 아카데미 (AMDA) 졸업

- 뉴 스쿨 (The New School) 재학중

- ‘그린치 (How the Grinch Stole Christmas)’ 내셔널 투어, ‘도그 시즈 가드 (Dog Sees God)’, ‘지져스 크라이스트 수퍼스타 (Jesus Christ Superstar)’ 출연


MATTHEW TING (General Hiroshi) is a NYC based dancer and actor. He is a principal dancer and ballet master for Ballet for Young Audiences, dancing in numerous ballets, including their Nutcracker,Jungle Book, and Cinderella, in addition to originating leading roles in several new ballets, such as The Water Goblin and The Accursed Hunter. He is a member of The New York Baroque Dance Company, appearing with them in opera-ballets at The Kennedy Center, Jazz at Lincoln Center, and Zellerbach Hall, as well as dancing at the French Embassy in Washington DC and El Teatro Marti in Havana, Cuba. He also dances for Mod Arts Dance Collective and mishiDance, as well as having danced for Connecticut Ballet and Salvatore LaRussa Dance Theater. He recently appeared in the premier of Speaking as When, a new play by Ruoxin Xu, at Columbia University. Other credits include Fish directed by Obie and Drama Desk award winner Alfred Preisser, as well as Twelfth Night, Macbeth, The Tempest, Much Ado About Nothing, Under Milkwood, and English Made Simple for King William’s Players. He studied at the Barrow Group school with Seth Barish and Lee Brock. His dance teachers include Gelsey Kirkland, Francis Patrelle, and ballet master and dance historian Gus Dick Andros. He is a graduate of the Great Books program of St. John's College, Annapolis.


매튜 팅 (히로시 장군 역)

- 세인트 존스 대학 (St. John's College) Great Books 프로그램 졸업

- 발레 포 영 어디언스 (Ballet For Young Audience) 출신 무용수

- 뉴욕 바로크 댄스 컴퍼니 (The New York Baroque Dance Company) 소속 무용수

- 케네디 센터, 링컨센터, 프랑스 대사관 등에서 공연

- 발레 공연 ‘호두까기 인형', ‘ 정글북', ‘신데렐라', ‘물의 요정' 등 출연

- ‘스피킹 에즈 웬 (Speaking as When)’, ‘십이야 (Twelfth Night)’, ‘맥베스 (Macbeth)’, ‘폭풍우 (The Tempes)’ 등 연극 출연


TENZIN YESHI (Toshio) originated the role of Toshio during the first production of Comfort Women: A New Musical (2015) and is thrilled to re-visit the role in the 2018 revival! Some of his stage credits include the lead in Richard III, Mad-Man in Arabian Nights, Firs in The Cherry Orchard. T.V. credits include a guest appearance on Hulu’s The Path as Meyerist. Training consists of a B.A. in Theatre Arts from The City College of New York and Professional Conservatory at The Neighborhood Playhouse. www.tenzin-yeshi.com


텐진 예시 (토시오 역)

- 2015 컴포트 우먼 출연

- 뉴욕 시티 콜레지, 더 네이버후드 플레이하우스, 연극영화과 졸업

- 뮤지컬: ‘리차드 3세' Richard III 주연, ‘아라비안 나이트' Arabian Nights 매드-맨 역, ‘채리 오차드’ The Cherry Orchard 퍼스 역 출연

- TV출연: ‘더 패스' The Path 마이어리스트 역


美오프뮤지컬 ‘컴포트우먼’ 캐스팅 완료

에비게일 아라더, 일본계 배우도 선발

총 3천명중 24명 발탁..백인배우도 눈길



Newsroh=민지영기자 newsrohny@gmail.com



3년만에 돌아온 오프브로드웨이 뮤지컬 ‘컴포트우먼'의 캐스팅이 완료됐다. 지난 2015년, 뉴욕 오프 브로드웨이에서 한국 창작 뮤지컬 사상 최초로 공연돼 큰 화제를 모은 ‘컴포트 우먼’(Comfort Women: A New Musical)이 올 여름 공연을 위한 만반(萬般)의 진용을 갖추었다.


컴포트우먼은 뉴욕의 유명 오프브로드웨이 극장 ‘피터 제이 샤프 시어터’ (Peter Jay Sharp Theater)에서 7월 20일 프리뷰를 시작으로 7월 27일 공식 개막돼 9월2일까지 총 60회 공연된다. 공연은 I.A.Lab과 화랑 엔터테인먼트가 주최하고, 디모킴 뮤지컬공장(Dimo Kim Musical Theatre Factory)이 제작을 맡았다.


이번 공연엔 총 3,000명의 배우가 지원해 치열한 오디션 과정을 거쳐 24명의 배우들이 캐스팅 되었다. 한국계와 일본계 등 22명의 아시안 배우들과 2명의 백인 배우들로 구성됐다.


주연 ‘김고은’ 역으로는 한국계 혼혈 배우 에비게일 아라더(Abigail Arader)가 발탁됐다. 올해 The University of Southern California 의 입학을 앞두고 있는 아비게일은 출연료 전액을 위안부 할머니들에게 기부(寄附)하겠다고 밝히기도 했다.


주연 ‘이민식'은 싱가폴 출신 마테우스 팅(Matheus Ting)이 발탁됐고 ‘코미노’ 역엔 일본계 혼혈인 샘 하마시마 (Sam Hamashima) 이 무대에 오르게 돼 눈길을 끈다.


뮤지컬 ‘컴포트 우먼’은 1941년 일제강점기를 배경으로, 도쿄의 공장에 일자리가 있다는 말에 속은 조선인 소녀 ‘고은’이 돈을 벌러 길을 떠났다가, 인도네시아의 일본군 ‘위안부’로 끌려가 같은 처지의 소녀들을 만나는 내용을 그리고 있다.


지난 2015년 맨하탄 세인트 클레멘츠 극장에서 개막돼 ‘위안부’ 문제의 진실과 심각성을 일깨워준 공연으로 화제를 모았다.


‘인터뷰’ ‘그린카드' ‘컴포트우먼'을 연출했던 김현준 연출이 총감독하며 뮤지컬 ‘아리랑’, ‘꽃신’, ‘로스트 가든을 안무했던 폴란드의 아트 컬러 발레(Art Color Ballet)의 해외상임안무자이자 ‘Art Group Obang’의 예술감독 김현 안무가가 맡았다. 강택구 음악감독, 오현주 무대디자이너, 이병철 조명디자이너, 정지영 협력 조명 디자이너, 박태종 사운드 디자이너가 참여한다. I.A. Lab과 화랑 엔터테이먼트가 제작하고 한국정신대문제대책협의회와 문아트컴퍼니가 제작지원을 한다.


장소 Peter Jay Sharp Theater, 416 W 42nd St, 4th floor, New York 문의 info@dimokimfactory.org 티켓팅: www.dimokimfactory.org



글로벌웹진 NEWSROH www.newsroh.com





주/조연 배우들


ABIGAIL ARADER (Goeun Kim) was born and raised in New York City. She has been singing and acting her whole life performing at prestigious venues such as Carnegie Hall, The Bitter End, and The Red Clay Theatre. She is also singer-songwriter who has opened for Caroline Aiken and written songs for commercials. Some educational credits include, Chicago (Dwight School), As You Like It (Calhoun School). She also recently competed and won third place in The National Shakespeare Competition. In September, she will pursue a degree in theatre at The University of Southern California. Abigail is extremely grateful and excited to be making her Off-Broadway debut as Goeun in “Comfort Women”. Her mother, Bo-in, who hails from Korea, educated her about the story of comfort women and the impact of Japanese occupation on Korean history – Abigail would like to commend and thank her efforts along with her friends, family, teachers, and the whole Dimo Kim Musical Theatre Factory Team.


애비게일 아라더 (김고은 역)

- Carnegie Hall (카네기 홀), The Bitter End, The Red Clay Theatre 등 저명한 공연장에서 공연 경험 다수

- 내셔널 셰익스피어 대회에서 3위 수상

- 서던캘리포니아대학교 (University of Southern California) 입학 예정

- ‘컴포트 우먼 (Comfort Women)' 이 오프브로드웨이 데뷔작


MATHEUS TING (Minsik Lee) is a graduate from LaSalle College of the Arts in Singapore, which is where he is from. Having moved to NYC a few months ago, he has been seen on stage as Ming in A Language of Their Own, the Butler in Yosef the Musical and Elliot in Bright and Brave. He currently stars as Pengyu in the dark-comedy web series Big Law on YouTube. Favorite credits: Robertson Ay in Mary Poppins, Prez in The Pajama Game, and Harry Witherspoon in Lucky Stiff. Matheus is very proud and humbled to be given the opportunity to share this story with his immensely talented cast. #asianslaysian


마테우스 팅 (이민석 역)

- 싱가폴 출신

- 라셀대학교 (LaSalle College of the Arts) 졸업

- 뉴욕 공연 ‘어 랭귀지 오브 데어 온 (A Language of Their Own)’, ‘요셉 더 뮤지컬 (Yosef the Musical)’, ‘브라잇 엔드 브레이브 (Bright and Brave)’에 출연

- 유투브 웹시리즈 드라마 ‘빅 로 (Big Law)’에 Pengyu로 출연

- 그외 ‘메리 포핀스’, ‘파자마게임', ‘럭키 스터프’ 등 다수 공연에 출연


LEANA RAE CONCEPCION (Namsoon Lee) is delighted to be making her Off-Broadway debut in Comfort Women! She is going to be a rising Musical Theatre senior at the Pace School of Performing Arts. #PUMT! Some of her favorite credits include: Mattie in We Are the Tigers, Connie in A Chorus Line with Baayork Lee, Fredrika Armfeldt in A Little Night Music and Edwina in Dear Edwina. She would like to thank her parents, Amy, JV, Randi, the faculty at Pace, DG, Chloë and all of her friends for supporting her endlessly through this journey. @leanarae


리아나 레이 컨셉시언 (이남순 역)

- 페이스 대학교 (Pace School of Performing Arts) 뮤지컬학과 4학년 재학중

- ‘위아 더 타이거즈 (We Are the Tigers)’, ‘코러스라인 (Chorus Line)’, ‘어 리틀 나잇뮤직 (A Little Night Music), ‘디어 에드위나 (Dear Edwina)’ 에 출연

- ‘컴포트 우먼 (Comfort Women)' 이 오프브로드웨이 데뷔작



RONI SHELLEY PEREZ (Soonja Ma, U/S: Goeun Kim) is thrilled to make her Off-Broadway debut in COMFORT WOMEN: A NEW MUSICAL! Recently completed a B.A. in music at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. Favorite credits include: Heathers: the Musical(Veronica Sawyer), In the Heights (Nina Rosario), Jesus Christ Superstar (Mary Magdalene). Thanks to family, friends, & lil pupper, Cinnamon, for their constant love and support! MABUHAY - @ronishelley"


로니 쉘리 프레즈 (마순자/ 김고은 언더스터디 역)

- 네브라스카 대학교 (University of Nebraska) 에서 음악 전공으로 졸업

- ‘헤더스 (Heathers: the Musical)’, ‘인더 하이츠 (In the Heights)’, ‘지져스 크라이스트 수퍼스타 (Jesus Christ Superstar)’ 출연

- ‘컴포트 우먼 (Comfort Women)' 이 오프브로드웨이 데뷔작



KENNY MAI (Matsui Kazuo) is excited to be a part of Comfort Women, having been a part of its first inception in 2015. New York credits include Shatter, Venus/Adonis Theater Festival; Kingdom of the Clouds, NYU. Regional: The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, The Pirates of Penzance, Guys and Dolls, and Urinetown. Film:Children of the Dust. He is a trained Historical European Martial Artist, specializing in the German longsword. A special thank you to his friend and mentor David Huynh, and his loving fiancée, Sarah. @kennymaiohmai


케니 마이 (카즈오 마츠이)

- 뉴욕 공연 ‘쉐터 (Shatter)’, ‘킹덤 오브 더 클라우드 (Kingdom of the Clouds)’ 출연

- ‘25주년 퍼트넘 주 스펠링 비 (The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee)’, ‘펜잔스의 해적들 (Pirates of Penzance)’, ‘아가씨와 건달들 (Guys and Dolls), ‘유린타운 (Urinetown)’ 출연

- ‘컴포트 우먼 (Comfort Women)’ 초연 멤버


BEN WANG (Songwon Kim) is excited to be making his off-Broadway debut with this production. He has just completed his sophomore year in NYU Tisch's New Studio on Broadway musical theater training program in pursuit of a BFA. Recent credits include Fun Home (John) and Cry-Baby (Judge Stone) with NYU Tisch, as well as Your Brand New Incurable Disease (Ensemble) and 2018 - A Musical Revue (Ethan Tam) in collaboration with NYU Tisch's Graduate Musical Theater Writing Program. Endless gratitude to the cast, crew, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, great aunts, great uncles, and friends.


벤 왕 (김성원 역)

- 뉴욕대 티쉬 예술학교 (NYU Tisch) 뮤지컬전공 3학년으로 재학중

- 뉴욕대 ‘펀 홈 (Fun Home)’, ‘크라이 베이비 (Cry-Baby)’ 공연 출연

- 뉴욕대학원 ‘Your Brand New Incurable Disease’, ‘A musical Revue’ 공연 출연


SARA ELIZABETH STATES (Youngsun Choi) "Comfort Women: A New Musical" marks Sara's Off-Broadway debut. Sara is thrilled to return to the stage after a short break to pursue a degree at Baruch College. She would like to thank God for this opportunity, her ever-supportive parents, the love of her life Scott, and her brother Michael who has been her guardian angel since 2015.

Other credits include: The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, Peter Pan, The Secret Garden, The Secret Life of Girls, and Cinderella.


세라 엘리자베스 스테이츠 (최영순 역)

- 버룩 대학교 (Baruch College) 졸업

- ‘25주년 퍼트넘 주 스펠링 비 (The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee)’, ‘피터팬 (Peter Pan), ‘더 시크릿 가든 (The Secret Garden), ‘신데렐라 (Cinderella) 출연

- ‘컴포트 우먼 (Comfort Women)' 이 오프브로드웨이 데뷔작


EMILY SU (Jinju Park, u/s Malsoon) is thrilled to be making her Off-Broadway debut! Credits include Spring Awakening (Wendla),Company (Marta), Love’s Labour’s Lost (Moth), Brighton Beach Memoirs (Nora). Johns Hopkins University, c/o 2018. Endless gratitude to Mom, Dad, Madeline, Alivia, Sebastian, and friends.emily-su.com, Instagram: @_em_su


에밀리 수 (박진주, 말순 언더스터디 역)

- 존스 홉킨스 대학 (Johns Hopkins University) 졸업

- ‘스프링 어웨이크닝 (Spring Awakening )’, ‘컴퍼니 (Company)’, ‘러브즈 레이버즈 로스트 (Love’s Labour’s Lost )’, ‘브라이턴 비치 메모리얼 (Brighton Beach Memoirs)’ 출연

- ‘컴포트 우먼 (Comfort Women)' 이 오프브로드웨이 데뷔작


CHLOE RICE (Ellen Jansen) is thrilled to be making her off-broadway debut in Comfort Women: A New Musical. Originally from Bel Air, Maryland, Chloe now studies theatre at Fordham University College at Lincoln Center. Recently she has appeared in Alpha Theatre’s off-off broadway productions of The Wizard of Oz (Dorothy) and 12 Angry Jurors (Juror #2). Chloe has also appeared in short films such as Chemistry 101 (Amber) as well as Survive (Director/ actor). Endless love and thanks to Mom and Dad, Natasha, and all friends, family, and teachers for their continual support.


클로이 라이스 (엘렌 젠슨 역)

- 포드햄 대학 (Fordham University College at Lincoln Center) 재학중

- 뉴욕 오프오프 브로드웨이 ‘더 위저드 오브 오즈 (The Wizard of Oz)’, ‘12인의 배심원들 (12 Angry Jurors)’ 출연

- 단편영화 ‘케미스트리 101 (Chemistry 101)’ 출연

- ‘컴포트 우먼 (Comfort Women)' 이 오프브로드웨이 데뷔작


SHUYAN YANG(Malsoon Lee) is happy to performing her Off-Broadway debut! This is her first show in New York after graduation. Proud AMDA graduate. Originally from Shanghai, China, just came to New York two years ago to chase her Broadway dream! Love and thanks to her family supporting her dream.


슈얀 양 (이말순 역)

- 암다 아카데미 (AMDA) 졸업

- ‘컴포트 우먼 (Comfort Women)' 이 오프브로드웨이 데뷔작


SAM HAMASHIMA (Mr. Komino, U/S Matsui Kazuo) is thrilled to be part of the revival of Comfort Women. Recent credits include Studio Theatre's Vietgone (Nhan u/s), Music Theatre Wichita's Thoroughly Modern Millie (Ching Ho), and University of Michigan's Edith Can Shoot Things... (Kenny). Apart from performing, Hamashima is an accomplished writer; his show American Spies and Other Homegrown Fables was recently worked at the Kennedy Center's Undergraduate Playwrights' Workshop and he slams regularly in Ann Arbor, Washington, D.C., Hamashima is the founder of Asian College Theatre Ensemble, a digital community for AAPIA in theatre programs across the world. Happily represented by the Price Talent Group. @samhamashima. samhamashima.com. University of Michigan, BFA Musical Theatre.


샘 하마쉬마 (코미코/ 카즈오 마츠이 언더스터디 역)

- 미시간 대학교 (University of Michigan) 뮤지컬 전공 졸업

- ‘스튜디오 띠에터 비에트공 (Studio Theatre's Vietgone)’, ‘아주 모던한 밀리 (Thoroughly Modern Millie)’, ‘에딧 캔 슈트 띵스 (Edith Can Shoot Things…)’ 출연

- 아시안 컬리지 띠에터 (Asian College Theatre Ensemble) 설립자


MATHEW BAUTISTA (Nani) is so excited to be joining the team, he is a recent Graduate of the American Musical and Dramatic Academy and a current student at The New School. Recent credits include How the Grinch Stole Christmas National Tour, Dog Sees God(Producers Club), and Jesus Christ Superstar (The Secret Theatre).


매튜 바우티스타 (나니 역)

- 암다 아카데미 (AMDA) 졸업

- 뉴 스쿨 (The New School) 재학중

- ‘그린치 (How the Grinch Stole Christmas)’ 내셔널 투어, ‘도그 시즈 가드 (Dog Sees God)’, ‘지져스 크라이스트 수퍼스타 (Jesus Christ Superstar)’ 출연


MATTHEW TING (General Hiroshi) is a NYC based dancer and actor. He is a principal dancer and ballet master for Ballet for Young Audiences, dancing in numerous ballets, including their Nutcracker,Jungle Book, and Cinderella, in addition to originating leading roles in several new ballets, such as The Water Goblin and The Accursed Hunter. He is a member of The New York Baroque Dance Company, appearing with them in opera-ballets at The Kennedy Center, Jazz at Lincoln Center, and Zellerbach Hall, as well as dancing at the French Embassy in Washington DC and El Teatro Marti in Havana, Cuba. He also dances for Mod Arts Dance Collective and mishiDance, as well as having danced for Connecticut Ballet and Salvatore LaRussa Dance Theater. He recently appeared in the premier of Speaking as When, a new play by Ruoxin Xu, at Columbia University. Other credits include Fish directed by Obie and Drama Desk award winner Alfred Preisser, as well as Twelfth Night, Macbeth, The Tempest, Much Ado About Nothing, Under Milkwood, and English Made Simple for King William’s Players. He studied at the Barrow Group school with Seth Barish and Lee Brock. His dance teachers include Gelsey Kirkland, Francis Patrelle, and ballet master and dance historian Gus Dick Andros. He is a graduate of the Great Books program of St. John's College, Annapolis.


매튜 팅 (히로시 장군 역)

- 세인트 존스 대학 (St. John's College) Great Books 프로그램 졸업

- 발레 포 영 어디언스 (Ballet For Young Audience) 출신 무용수

- 뉴욕 바로크 댄스 컴퍼니 (The New York Baroque Dance Company) 소속 무용수

- 케네디 센터, 링컨센터, 프랑스 대사관 등에서 공연

- 발레 공연 ‘호두까기 인형', ‘ 정글북', ‘신데렐라', ‘물의 요정' 등 출연

- ‘스피킹 에즈 웬 (Speaking as When)’, ‘십이야 (Twelfth Night)’, ‘맥베스 (Macbeth)’, ‘폭풍우 (The Tempes)’ 등 연극 출연


TENZIN YESHI (Toshio) originated the role of Toshio during the first production of Comfort Women: A New Musical (2015) and is thrilled to re-visit the role in the 2018 revival! Some of his stage credits include the lead in Richard III, Mad-Man in Arabian Nights, Firs in The Cherry Orchard. T.V. credits include a guest appearance on Hulu’s The Path as Meyerist. Training consists of a B.A. in Theatre Arts from The City College of New York and Professional Conservatory at The Neighborhood Playhouse. www.tenzin-yeshi.com


텐진 예시 (토시오 역)

- 2015 컴포트 우먼 출연

- 뉴욕 시티 콜레지, 더 네이버후드 플레이하우스, 연극영화과 졸업

- 뮤지컬: ‘리차드 3세' Richard III 주연, ‘아라비안 나이트' Arabian Nights 매드-맨 역, ‘채리 오차드’ The Cherry Orchard 퍼스 역 출연

- TV출연: ‘더 패스' The Path 마이어리스트 역



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  1. 에비게일 아라더 김고은역.jpg (File Size:29.6KB/Download:22)
  2. 마테우스 팅 이민식역.jpg (File Size:33.6KB/Download:25)
  3. 샘 하마시마 코미노 역.jpg (File Size:35.3KB/Download:20)
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2147 미국 승리적으로 마감되어가는 주체혁명위업과 새롭게 시작된 조미관계 정상화 file Jaeyulshin 18.06.16.
2146 미국 장광선선생의 ‘아름다운 동행’ file 뉴스로_USA 18.06.15.
2145 미국 미주 지역 한인 단체들, 판문점 선언 지지 성명 발표 코리아위클리.. 18.06.14.